Need help preparing for the GED tests? Want to improve your skills in reading, writing
or math? These classes can help.
Are you ready to get started working on courses that will prepare you to earn your
GED? We are excited to meet you and help you reach your goals.
Questions? Please call 541-917-4710 or email
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Frequently Asked Questions
You earn your GED by passing four GED subject area tests: language arts, math, science,
and social studies.
Yes, but it is not recommended unless you are sure you’re prepared to pass. You’ll
need to set up an account at
GED Testing Service to make an appointment for official testing. You can also purchase “GED Ready,” which
is the official GED practice test. A GED Ready test lets you know if you are likely
to pass or if you should consider prep classes. GED Ready can be done online from
home. Official testing is available at our Albany Campus and is scheduled through
your GED Testing Service account. Additionally, you may have the option to take an
official test online if you meet certain requirements.
The GED credential and our GED prep classes are meant for adults, but we can make
exceptions for those aged 16 and 17. You should have a "release from compulsory attendance"
letter from your most recently-attended high school or get a "parent assurance” and
"GED authorization letter" from the
Linn-Benton-Lincoln ESD homeschool office. No one under the age of 16 is eligible for GED classes or GED testing.
In-person classes are offered at the Albany Campus and the Benton Center in Corvallis.
Flexible Classes meet at specific days and times in-person or virtually (Zoom). We
currently offer daytime and evening classes. Not all classes are offered every term.
While most classes start at the beginning of a new term, some classes are open enrollment.
Usually we can get you started at any point in the term. We will help you prepare
to register for the classes you want at the start of the next term.
You should be prepared to attend each class you sign up for at least 90% of the time,
which means you can have no more than two unexcused absences per term. This includes
online classes. We can’t help you meet your goals if you aren’t in class.
Missing a lot of classes will affect your progress in the program and can affect whether
or not you are able to register for future terms.
You will take a CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems) test when you
enter the program and then usually once a term to monitor your progress. This test
shows your level and helps us get you into the right class. Taking the CASAS is a
requirement, and you are able to schedule the test either in-person or virtually at
your convenience.
Our subject-based classes (science, language arts, etc) are designed to help you learn
what you need to know to pass the official test in that subject area after one term.
You will take an official practice test, the GED Ready, at the end of the class. However,
sometimes students want to repeat the class, and that is okay. Students can take any
subject-based class no more than three times. It is important to attend all of your
classes, participate, and do your homework.
Yes! 博天堂官方 has Student Navigators who can help you plan for college. They help with
things like financial aid, researching programs at 博天堂官方, navigating the admissions
process, and more. We also have a special class, College and Career Readiness, to
help you get ready to transition into college.